Calgary, Alberta, Canada
September 25, 2017
The next generation of safety training is here. Today Danatec Educational Services Inc., Canada’s safety experts, upgraded their learning management system, re-releasing an extensive suite of award-winning occupational safety training products and services onto the leading-edge new RapidLMS platform.
The decision to upgrade Danatec’s training software was based on a comprehensive consultation process, alongside the development team at Danatec’s parent company, Yardstick Testing and Training. The product of this collaboration, RapidLMS, is a learning management system (LMS) optimized to serve Danatec customers. RapidLMS offers:
- Increased security and scalability
- Seamless course purchasing and distribution (for one learner, or a thousand)
- Easy-to-navigate training manager dashboard
- Smart workflows designed to save manager and learner time
- Mobile compatibility and social media integrations
- Automated custom certifications (company name, logo, and e-signature).
Beyond these benefits, the update includes a full revision to the website using the RapidLMS sitebuilder. The new site is easier than ever to navigate, seamlessly integrated with the training management system, and more intuitive to training manager and learners’ needs. RapidLMS is also compatible with LearnerVerified identification and remote proctoring software, which will allow training managers to access learner verification services on supported Danatec courses. This integration will be an invaluable addition for organizations seeking defensible identity verification confirming who took the training, and will act as a safe guard tool before a supervisor verifies worker competency.
This transition is a big step forward for Danatec, building on over 30 years of history and experience providing safety training and consulting. From introducing the first ever TDG and WHMIS Self-Teach resources in the 1980s, to launching Canada’s first ever online safety training courses, Danatec has always served as an industry leader, and innovator. Since taking over leadership of the business almost a decade ago, President Alina Martin has placed even greater emphasis on keeping the company, and its offerings, at the forefront of the industry. Right now, that means identity verification, defensibility and ease of use. “Getting people to work, safer and quicker is always a priority for us,” Alina says.
“Our clients and their staff work in high-stakes, potentially high-risk situations,” she continues. “They need their safety training to be secure, and defensible. When a staff member earns a credential, they need to know that person took their training as assigned, and is prepared to apply what they’ve learned on the job. RapidLMS, and soon LearnerVerified, will allow us to better provide our clients the assurance they need, by equipping our training with greater levels of defensibility and security.”
Don Riep is Yardstick’s Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, as well as the lead developer behind RapidLMS and LearnerVerified. Don and the rest of his team are excited to bring this upgrade to Danatec clients, who they consider the perfect market for these new products. “Both RapidLMS and LearnerVerified were developed based on our own, and Danatec’s, decades of experience serving training managers in regulated and high-stakes industries. Our software is built to make selling, distributing and taking online courses simple and secure. Learners will benefit from greater identity management and a seamless learning experience, while training managers will be able to track learner progress and certifications more easily than ever, saving their companies time, and money.”
Now that Danatec’s core suite of products have been upgraded, they will begin rolling out the benefits of RapidLMS to resellers and working with interested clients to build out their own white-label corporate training portals, branded to their organization and integrated with their existing website or intranet.
About Danatec
Danatec, a subsidiary of Yardstick Testing and Training, is an award-winning publisher of occupational health & safety materials. Since 1985, Danatec has offered an expansive range of educational and compliance training tools such as self-teach training programs, online training, handbooks, apps, reference materials, regulations and custom training solutions. Danatec is an industry expert and thought-leader in both workplace safety and compliance-based testing.
About RapidLMS
RapidLMS is the latest learning management system (LMS) to come out of Yardstick Testing and Training, an industry leader in the education and technology sector. RapidLMS was designed to make it easy training managers to upload content, distribute and certify their learners, using automation and smart workflows to save time and money. Features include a built-in certification model, mobile compatibility, social media integration, scalability, and optional LearnerVerified integration for learner and attendance verification and remote proctoring services.
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